Shankari Devi Temple

Shankari Devi Temple
Shankari Devi Temple

The Shankari temple in Sri Lanka is one of the most renowned Ashta Dasha Shakti Peethas and is celebrated for being documented as early as Adi Shankaracharya’s Shloka, “LANKAAYAAM SHAANKARI DEVI….”, which emphasizes its importance among the 18 Devi temples. This timeless poem continues to be chanted by devotees from all over India today.

It is believed that the once grand Shankari Devi temple stood in Sri Lanka, at Trimkomali. However, evidence of its existence has been wiped away by time and the destructive efforts of Portuguese forces during the 16th and 17th centuries– leaving no visible trace today.

As the priest recounted, when the Portuguese invaded in the 1600s they fired from their ship and completely shattered Devi temple’s cliff. In its stead stands a desolate pillar, like an observant witness to history.

The temple of Sankari devi, which was located at the top of a hill, was destroyed by foreign invaders. However, Amma’s idol is said to have been preserved in the present temple, which is next to where the original stood.

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