Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh

Spirituality in India boasts a pallette of religions. Incidentally, the term ‘Hindu’ was used by the Arab traders to identify the people living east of the River Indus. Indus came to be known as Sindhu and the term Hindu was born. Uttar Pradesh, a state in the Indo-Gangetic plains had a flourishing trade, and became a political citadel as well. Many faiths and religions have mingled and coexisted in this land. Quite like the rest of India, there are thousands of holy places here, marked with the presence of sages, seers, devotees and mystics, bygone and present.

India is known as the land of temples and religion. With so many different castes and communities all following their own respective religions, India is a marvel just for the fact that it is able to exist with such unity in diversity. Hinduism is India’s most followed religion and as such, India is full of religious places and pilgrim destinations. One such state which is known for its pilgrim tourism is Uttar Pradesh. It is full of religious places with temples that attract pilgrims and religion enthusiasts throughout the year. These cities and towns in Uttar Pradesh are not just popular on account of the temples and pilgrims but also for their beautiful geography. A visit to these pilgrim centres in Uttar Pradesh is the most genuine tour of India you can ask for. Some of these places are extremely crowded due to their popularity while the others are quaint towns and villages which have great religious significance but are not as commercial as the rest.

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