

Braj bhoomi, Mathura, Vrindavan, Govardhan, Barsana, Nandgaon, Gokul, Mahavan, Baldeo

Vrindavan is the international headquarter for all those in love with Krishna. Just a 2 hour drive from Delhi and 1 hour drive from Agra, Vrindavan has been a hotspot for millenia, whereas Agra and Delhi for all their 500 years of history are considerably young. The village of Vrindavan is the hub of Braj bhoomi or Braj Mandal, a collective name for the villages in this area where Krishna spent his boyhood days till age 12. He moved to neighbouring Mathura and later to Dwarikadheesh in Gujarat.

Although Braj Mandal is said to extend to Agra (Agar van, scented forest), but Mathura, Govardhan, Barsana, Gokul, Nandgaon, Mahavan, Baldeo and Chhatikara are some of the current popular places. Mathura was on the ancient silk trade route and has a Government Museum with a great collection of sculpture from the time of Lord Buddha.

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