Juranpur shakti peeth

Juranpur shakti peeth
Juranpur shakti peeth

Situated upon the banks of the Bhagirathi River, Juranpur Sakthi Peeth is a Hindu Temple dedicated to Goddess Sati in Nadia District of West Bengal, India. This sacred site has been widely acknowledged as one of the 51 Shakti Peethas mentioned in Hindu Mythology, thus making it an invaluable shrine for devotees devoted to Shakti’s sect. Today though, due to changing geographical conditions over time, this revered temple lies approximately 1 kilometer west from its original location on the bank side of Bhagirathi River.

The Bhagirathi River held an underground chamber that had once served as refuge for a number of saints and revolutionaries prior to India’s independence. Notable figures, like Mohan Lal (general of nawab Sirajuddulla), found shelter in this temple which is now abandoned but still carries its historical significance.Maharaja Mohan Lal’s youngest son, Hukka Lal; Rani Bhabani’s son Raja Ramakrishna Ray Sadhak Ramakrishna; Sri Sitaram Onkarnath, Kulanand Brahmachari and Taranath Tarakhapa; Mataji Ganga Bai Balbant Singh, Purnanda Brahmachari and Shibnath Sastry as well as Swami Bisuddhananda Saraswathi Tantric Triguna Nath Brahmarchi and Birendra Giri Brahma Chari Maharaj; archaeologist Rakhaldas Bandyopadhyay from Purnea, Editor Gope Mitra Zamindar & Advocate Bankubehari Ghosh followed by Editor Yadav Rajit Singh Baranashi – all worked together to uncover countless treasures. In December 1924, Advocate Nabadwip Ghosh of Patna – President of All India Yadav Mahasabha – visited this temple under the guidance of Balak Ram Ghosh from Juranpur. After a Calcutta High Court order on 16th January 1963, it has since been managed by a trust.

The Goddess lovingly referred to as Jaya Durga and the Bhairava that resides in this Temple is famously known as Krodhisha. The main idol rests beneath an ancient banyan tree, carrying a holy ambience with it. Additionally, a Linga of Bhairava can be found enshrined within the inner sanctum of the Temple itself.

Every year during Magh Purnima, a bustling fair is held here that draws in an enormous number of pilgrims.

Lord Brahma conducted a yajna to please Shakti and Shiva, resulting in the emergence of Goddess Shakti who then assisted Brahma with creating the universe. Knowing that he needed to return her back to Shiva, Daksha – his son- performed many yajnas so as gain Shakti as his daughter, Sati. Sadly though, Daksha was not pleased with Sati’s marriage choice of Lord Shiva; henceforth denying him an invitation for the upcoming yagna . Sensing how much this meant for her beloved wife after she requested it from him ,Shiva agreed to let Sati visit her father at said event. Daksha’s insults towards Shiva enraged Sati so much that she immolated herself. Uncontrollable in his fury, Shiva took the form of Veerabhadra and destroyed Daksha’s yagna before carrying away the body of Sati. He wept endlessly as he walked through Aryavartha with her lifeless form, until finally releasing his grief in a frenzied dance: Tandava – a celestial manifestation of destruction. Lord Vishu, with the aim of stopping the Tandav, used his Sudarshana Chakra, which cut through the Sati’s corpse. The parts of Sati body fell at varroas spots all through the Indian and neighboring country and these Sacred sites came to be called Shakti Peethas .

The majestic Temple is situated on the Katwa to Debagram Route approximately 17 Kms from Debagram Railway Station, 19 Kms from Dainhat Railway Station, and 24/25 Kms away from Katwa/Katwa Junction Railway Stations respectively. The renowned temple also lies at a distance of 52Km from Berhampore and 157Km each for both Kolkata City & Airport.

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